2018. január 9., kedd

Last month, neurology rotation

The third month living the Buffalo flow was the best one yet, despite the precipitous drop in temperature (-7°C when I left town yesterday). I signed up for the neurosurgery rotation, which takes place in an extension of the Dent Neurological Institute building. It is a modern outpatient clinic where patients come for pre- and post-operative evaluation for conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, vertebral disc herniation, and pituitary tumors. As part of this rotation, I also joined the neurology and neuroradiology imaging teams.

This comprehensive exposure was helpful in contributing to a more diverse and well-rounded experience, from the initial neurology consultation and work-up to the diagnostic imaging to the surgeon’s consultation and management plan. The imaging provided the steepest learning curve because examining brain CT and MRI scans requires a high level of neuroanatomy knowledge, attention to fine detail, and understanding of the technology being used. All in all, it’s an interesting and important field of neurology and neurosurgery in which I hope to improve my skills.

Perhaps the most difficult part was encountering so many patients who live with intense, long-standing, and debilitating back, neck, and head pain. After all, these are the conditions that bring people to the neurosurgery office after what has often been years of suffering. This was in distinct contrast to my previous rotation in endocrinology, where patients had conditions that were just as serious, but more insidious or even silent in their initial manifestations.

Aside from the clinical time, it was also a very social month! Eva néni invited us to her home, where she prepared a Hungarian feast sufficient for a party double our size. My personal favorite was the nokedli, but the table was overflowing with food from csirkeleves to gesztenyetorta.

Before we left, we also made a trip to that superstore of wonder that is Target, where Christmas shopping was in full effect. They even had a stand with free coffee, Christmas cookies, and a photo booth, of which we naturally took full advantage.

Shortly before leaving Buffalo, we also celebrated Gary’s birthday! Happy birthday, Gary!!  Spending time with this talented, kind, and outrageously funny Team Buffalo group, despite their questionable taste in music (see poster in the photo below), has undoubtedly been the best part of my exchange experience. Thank you so much to everyone at HMAA and Campus Mundi who made this possible.

Merry Christmas and good luck to the coming groups! 

2017. december 15.
Charlotte Schwarz

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